samedi 1 décembre 2012

An overview of my first month as an intern

My first month at the Public University of Haïti's Hospital, also known as General Hospital was not easy. After a week at the Dermatology department, I have learned how everything works there and even started with some minor surgery procedures! It was great, I enjoyed that. But starting November 12 I was going to live in an atmosphere of chaos and disorders. Tire burning, gunshots, tear gas, demolishing cars, riots, all around the Hospital. I thought I'd be safe but I was disappointed when 4 or 5 tear gas grenades were thrown too close and finally felt inside. Patients run (those who could), doctors run, our noses and eyes will never forget that burning sensation... Thanks to God we were safe. Many of my friends have been praying for that and He answered positively. "He will never leave us nor forsake us" (Joshua 1:5 ; Hebrew 13:5).

 Everything went back to normal after a few days. Consults, minor surgery, patients monitoring, wounds care, skin ulcers, lab tests and much more became my daily activities. We had a presentation about albinism this week and we take our exam. I bought my camera the last day and took a very few shots of my patients and co-workers (doctors only cause I couldn't find the nurses).

This 13 months old child have erysipelas ( a sort of skin infection caused by a bacteria). He's recovering very well, the smile on his face confirms that.

This is Dalandy (left) and Dominique (right). Both doctors.

This is it for today! I will not post as often as I planned to but I will do as often as I CAN. Doctors are busy all the time, especially when you are an intern!

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